When obtaining your degree online, it’s important that you make sure you’re receiving your education from a college that is fully accredited. This ensures that your degree will be widely recognized as legitimate by employers, as well as guarantee that you’ll be receiving a quality education from a school that you can trust with your time and money. Without proper accreditation, you have no guarantee that the degree you have worked hard and paid dearly for will be worth anything, so it’s incredibly important that you don’t skip this step when researching online schools.

These are a few things to consider when evaluating an accreditation agency:

• Is the organization recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation and the US Department of Education? The Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) has an international directory of quality assurance organizations, accreditation agencies, and Ministries of Education in 175 countries. Additionally, the US Department of Education offers a searchable list of recognized accreditation agencies.
• Do all of the schools they accredit appear to be legitimate? Check your gut feeling about the schools your accreditation agency is endorsing. Find out if they are listed as legitimate by any organizations, such as the International Handbook of Universities, the Commonwealth Universities Yearbook, and the US Department of Education’s College Navigator.

• Is the accreditation agency associated with the schools in any way? Just like with online college rankings, there’s a chance that the accreditation agency you’re checking out is a front, created to offer credibility to an illegitimate online college. Accreditation agencies should be an independent third party, so any accreditation organization that has connections with a school is cause for concern. Check out their addresses, Whois information, ownership, and other identifying details.

By following these guidelines, you can be sure that the accreditation agency that you’re trusting to evaluate your online college is legitimate, and will offer a truly helpful and independent endorsement of the school. By finding an accreditation agency and school that you can trust, you can feel confident that your online degree will be viewed as legitimate and offer you a quality education. (More information please visit: www.bestcollegesonline.com)
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