Saturday, 23 May 2009

How to Choose a University Course

Universities have a certain number of course requirements that must be met in order to graduate and earn a degree. Some courses must be taken before others. This can make scheduling more complicated. The university doesn't assign you the courses, it is your responsibility to choose the courses and pick them on sign-up day. It is important that you choose the right courses to stay on target for graduation.

Things You'll Need:

  • Course outline List of courses
Instructions: Difficulty: Moderately Easy
  • Step 1
See your guidance counselor and get a list of courses required for your particular field of study
. For example, those studying accounting will need to take Accounting I and II while those majoring in education have to take Child Psychology.

Step 2
Put your courses in order in which they need to be taken. For example, you must take Accounting I before you can take Accounting II. There are courses that are also not available until you reach your junior or senior year. These requirements should be listed next to each course.

Step 3
Use a scrap piece of paper to finalize your list by sorting all of the courses out in to semesters. You will need two semesters for each grade. So, you will have semester 1 freshman year and semester 2 freshman year. You could take Accounting I in semester 1 of your freshman year and then Accounting II your second semester of your freshman year
Step 4
Get a list of dates and times you are allowed to call in your courses for the next semester. The university will supply this list to everyone. Seniors usually get the first day, with the other grades following in succession.

Step 5
Get a list of available courses for the next semester and match them with the courses you need to take.

Step 6
Organize your schedule so that none of your classes overlap.
Step 7
Call in your courses on the dates and times allotted. You will need to follow the automated phone system's prompts.

By Alicia Bodine, eHow Editor

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