Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Social and Network Learning - Free Online Discussion - June 18

This is somewhat last minute notice, but Learn Trends will be having a free online discussion tomorrow on the topic of:

Social learning and social networks continue to grow in prominence in corporations, organizations, and universities. The impact of networks, however, remains somewhat misunderstood. How should organizations “restructure” on network principles? How can ROI be calculated? Are networks a superior method of organization learning and development? How can professionals re-create wholeness of understanding in fragmentary conversations and information shared through social networks? What lessons can learning professionals apply from Facebook, Twitter, iPhone applications, and other software and technology trends?

Join LearnTrends on June 18th for presentation and discussion on the social, networked learning and organizations. Topics include: ROI of networks, Value Networks, fragmented conversations and sensemaking, and the next stages of social and learning networks in organizations.

All sessions will be held online and recordings will be made available after the event.


What is Social and Network Learning?
George Siemens and Tony Karrer - 9:30 AM Pacific

ROI and Social and Network Learning
Tony Karrer and Will Thalheimer - 10AM Pacific Time

Organizational Challenges of Social and Network Learning
Verna Allee - 11 AM Pacific Time

Dave Snowden - Noon Pacific Time

To attend the event or to be notified about future events, sign up to Learn Trends.

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